The research aimed to uncover the key drivers behind consumer’s breakfast and lunch choices at fast food chains, cafes, bakeries, and supermarkets. To gain sufficient insights, the client used a hybrid methodology approach for a well-rounded understanding of their audience
The target profiles were divided by methodology. For the quantitative element, 100 responses were required with quotas based on location, age, gender, ethnicity and food purchasing habits.
All participants across both methodologies were recruited in-house using the Take Part In Research Panel with targeted invites sent based on key screening criteria.
For the quantitative element, only fully verified members of the panel participated, undergoing both automated and manual validation checks. The Roots screening team provided engagement prompts and troubleshooting support via telephone where necessary.
Qualitative recruits were hand-picked by our expert screening team to meet interlocking quotas and confirmed using our standard 3-step process.
completion rate
ethnographic diary
Hybrid Methodology
All profiles were fully recruited and the client was thrilled with the results. Our expert team understand the importance of participant quality and employed the same attention to detail for recruits of both elements leading to deep insights and client satisfaction!
We love ensuring your market research projects runs smoothly from start to finish. So read on to find out more about Roots, the recruitment company you can rely on.
All our project managers are accredited under the Market Research Society (MRS) Recruiter Accreditation Scheme (RAS). So, you know we’re competent and up to date with all the latest knowledge and skills.
We love ensuring your market research projects run smoothly from start to finish. So read on to find out more about Roots, the recruitment company you can rely on.
At Roots, we take pride in supporting the hard working charities that have been carefully selected by our team. For every participant we recruit, we donate 35p to one of our chosen charities.
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